Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ken's Brain Scan Results Before And After Stem Cells

Time has brought you to me...

Ken's results from the Amen Clinic in New York.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ken's Next Stem Cell Treatment March 5

Ken is 16 now.  He will be having another stem cell treatment March 5, 2018.

We are doing a little prep before stem cells.  Mb12 injections,  Specific Carbohydrate Diet,  and mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  Check with your doctor at the clinic before doing any treatments before and after cells.  Each child ous different.

Mel Gibson And Dr. Riordan Interview On Joe Rogan Show

Mel Gibson and Dr.  Riordan talking about stem cells and Mel Gibson's father's experience at the Stem Cell Institute.  This is the clinic we use for Ken.  https://vimeo.com/251582302



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